This week's SMS, Fresh Peach Muffins, was chosen by JoVonn of The Givens Chronicles. She has wonderful recipes of things every day and it's so wonderful to see someone cook that much.
This week marked the start of school. *whine whine whine* It's not that I don't like school - it just takes too much time to learn everything. My classes this year - if I can get into all of them - are Financial Economics, Intermediate Financial Accounting, Organizational Behavior, Intro to Managerial Accounting, and International Monetary Economics. 5 classes that are going to take quite a bit of work [actually a lot of work]. Thank goodness I have friends in many of my classes. As for right now, I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with the fact that I have so many classes.
Anyways, back to the muffins, these were pretty easy to make. I had cut the recipe in half since I still had sweet stuff in the house and these seem like they would make great breakfast food in addition to my banana bread muffins from last week.
I had cut the peaches up into tiny little pieces and decreased the amount of milk in the muffin to add more peaches into the muffin since people had mentioned that peach flavor was not very pronounced.
Recipe for the muffins here! Make sure to check out the rest of the SMS bakers on the blogroll.

ps sorry for the quality and lighting of pictures in this post. I had baked these Friday - didn't get to eat them until Saturday night because of a roommate meeting Friday night and Outsidelands Saturday. I had gone to a couple of parties last night - didn't drink, but I hung out with my friends til 3:30 am so I'm not really up to defrosting another muffin to take pictures of.