Saturday, October 24, 2009

Apple Cinnamon Muffins

When I normally have this urge to bake, I just find something and bake it. Typically it'll be something easy since I don't have everything onhand. When I bake for a purpose, I get all the materials and I'll have everything ready for myself. This time, I decided to bake with apples. There were a whole bunch of great apple recipes, but just didn't feel right. Then I decided to just look for a super easy one that also had good reviews. I found one!

This one was super easy to just throw together. The batter was a bit thick, so I added some vanilla extract to give it another dimension to it. Super easy, and super yummy!


I've frozen a whole bunch of them for a quick breakfast for the next couple of weeks. Should be fun!


recipe found here


Thanks for your comments!
<3 Nina

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