Coconut cupcakes just were a sea of white in the Martha Stewart book. I remember looking at it and thinking where am I going to get these nice looking almond flakes from? What am I even going to bake the for? I can't just randomly make them and bring them to a meeting...or can I?
I had persuaded a friend of mine, Kevin, who I have made multiple
cupcakes for, to drive me down to UC San Diego which is only about 75 or so miles from here. I know that my friends from Berkeley Circle K were going down as well.
I had made these the day of the meeting starting at about 11am and was done with everything at about 2pm. I rushed over to my friend Kevin's place and totally locked my keys into the car. Then we waited for AAA and then we got my keys out and were ready to go to San Diego!
It was pretty fun. I just hung out with my friends until the meeting and then meeting and then afterwards we got Mexican food. SO YUMMY. REAL MEXICAN FOOD.
I had made a couple of changes in this recipe. First I added a little more shredded coconut into the batter. Also, I made a
coconut syrup with the leftover coconut milk (since I really had no use for it). I had put this syrup in the middle of the cupcake by cutting a hole and filling that with the syrup. Afterwards, I topped it with the seven minute frosting, but I had made the regular version and 1/6th of the recipe printed. In addition, I topped it with more shredded coconut! It was just a explosion of coconut flavor.
My friends had appreciated and most of them really enjoyed it. I hope to see my San Diego friends more!

WHOA. blurry, but that's okay!
The recipe for this month's Cupcake Club is found on pages 28-29 of Martha Stewart's Cupcake book. Thanks to Jennifer from Cinema Cupcakes for choosing this. 
ps. I had written this blog post much before the Haiti tragedy had happened. My thoughts are with these people. It is truly a tragedy. I wish I was able to donate as much as other
bloggers, but alas, being in college prevents that.