So, I just got tagged by Shandy for this a-z post. I know that I often do this on facebook, but never on my blog, but oh well! She's a great blogger and person! Recently graduated college, but she's going great with her career and baking! Procrastination has taken hold which is why I'm doing this now...
1. A – Available/Single? Taken by my boyfriend. <3>
2. B – Best friend? My boyfriend, my "husband" Dmitriy, and quite a few other people.
3. C – Cake or Pie? Cupcakes.
4. D – Drink of choice? Water, but sometimes I enjoy a soda, lemonade or iced tea. Coffee is a need when I stay up doing homework only to have a 9:30AM class.
5. E – Essential item you use every day? Mousse, Cell phone, Lotion, my PLANNER!
6. F – Favorite color? I should be putting Blue and Gold for Cal, but I really do like the color Red.
7. G – Gummy Bears or Worms? Sour gummy worms.
8. H – Hometown? Born in Beijing, China, lived in Brea, CA for most of my life. Living in Berkeley now....
9. I – Indulgence? Baking stuff. Lots of pretty decorations or cupcake liners.
10. J – January or February? January. Boyfriend's birthday and I dont have school for most of January.
11. K – Kids & their names? No kids yet.
12. L – Life is incomplete without? Friends and Family, Circle K, and Baking.
13. M – Marriage date? n/a - I'm not married.
14. N – Number of siblings? 1 - my little brother.
15. O – Oranges or Apples? Oranges.
16. P – Phobias/Fears? I'm afraid of failing. I like doing everything perfectly the first time. I hate it when things don't work out as they should.
17. Q – Quote for today? Love each other or perish - Tuesdays with Morrie
18. R – Reason to smile? Anything and Everything. Mainly for today - no school tomorrow!
19. S – Season? I love the summer. Cute dresses and everything!
20. T – Tag 4 People? 1. Alex Chu - because he encourages me to bake and he's one of my closest guy friends before he moved to Socal, far far away from Berkeley (sorta). 2. Gail N. - because she's awesomely amazing. She's doing what she loves. 3. Katiecakes - because she's an awesome baker and her stuff always looks so good. 4. Stephanie - because we're both in school and baking - it's two full time jobs =].
21. U – Unknown fact about me? I actually chose to go to Berkeley due to it's business school. Although I was not eventually selected to be in the business school, I absolutely love it here. I enjoy my major and the freedom of classes that I am able to take as not a business major.
22. V – Vegetable you don't like? Eggplant.
23. W – Worst habit? I bite my nails. It's getting better as my friend and I are getting our nails done so I don't bite them as m.
24. X – X-rays you've had? Foot - when I thought I sprained it. Arm - when I fractured my elbow in the 2nd grade. Teeth - dentist.
25. Y – Your favorite food? Fettuccine Alfredo with Chicken. or...this Chinese dish that my Mom makes with egg and tomato with rice.
26. Z – Zodiac sign? Sagittarius

you quote for the day made me lol!!
ReplyDeleteYey, thanks for the tag!!!! I'll post it on my blog soon!!