Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Jambalaya (cooking)

Yes, all I typically do is bake, but since I'm trying to lose weight and not spend as much money, my boyfriend and I have been staying in and cooking. Obviously, it's a lot cheaper to cook from home than it is to eat out every night. We talked earlier in the day and we decided that we wanted to make something with chicken, onion,  and celery in it. I chose some recipes and we decided on Jambalaya.

Some chicken, sausage and vegetables make a great jambalaya - much cheaper than at a restaurant.

So the recipe is modified from this Jambalaya recipe. We only made a couple of changes and it came out amazing! Everything is basically the same as the recipe, except the order in which we cooked items.

Instead of the meats first, we decided on vegetables first.

 Then the meats.

Then adding in everything according to the recipe. 30-40 minutes later - everything is complete!


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